The series focuses on Eiri Kurahashi, a college art student who works in an antique shop. One day, he sees the image of a girl in an antique glass. To his shock, she appears to be moving and living out her life before his eyes. He becomes infatuated with the girl, and one night at midnight, he somehow makes contact with her. He learns that her name is Cossette, and that she was an aristocrat's daughter during the 18th century. She reveals to him that her spirit has been entrapped within the glass because the artist Marcello Orlando murdered her. She tells Eiri that, in order to set her free, a man must be willing to take upon himself punishment for the sins Marcello committed.
As the series progresses, Eiri is tortured mentally and physically by Cossette, who demands that he prove his professed love for her. It is revealed that Eiri is the reincarnation of Marcello, and that Cossette is becoming as infatuated with him as he is with her. Also depicted are the efforts of the women in Eiri's life—relatives, friends, mentors, and the girl who secretly loves him—to free him from what is becoming apparent to them as a self-destructive path.
What better way to start off the Valentine season with a little blood and betrayal!
I have to say that this three episode OVA makes my top 10 anime series. I was completely enthralled with this anime. It had everything I was looking for when I was a teenager. It talked about how brutal love could actually be instead of Disney’s make believe stories of “True love conquers all”.
The animation - right down to the soundtrack is amazingly haunting. What did you expect from the all time famous composer, Yuki Kaijuira and renowned Ani-plex? The answer is better than you expected. There is really so much about this story that speaks volumes and I just can’t cover it all. You’d have to see it for yourself.
If you are lonely this season or need a break from diluted retarded love this season, look no further than Le Portrait De Petit Cossette!
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