October 1, 2010

REALLY? that was all she had to do?

As I sit here typing this dear friends I am in the midst of wanting to throw something as I once again watched the LAST episode of  Inuyasha: The final Act.  I  remember the anger at reading the last chapter of the manga when it came out.

This series is not my favorite., or even in the top 10. But what can I say I am a sucker for yellow and orange kimonos , silver haired demons, perverted monks,  mischievious fox demons,  and old ladies with eye patches. A total guilty pleasure.

For those of you who don't know the plot line of Inuyasha, my only question is...WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN? don't you remember the annoying english dubs that adult swim tortured us all with where ever five seconds you hear KAGOME! INUYASHA! KAGOME! INUYASHA!

But for those of you who lived under a rock here goes:

Inuyasha is the story of a 15 year old girl named Kagome who falls into an old well on her family's  SHrine where she finds herself 500 years in the past and comes across a half demon (Inuyasha) nailed to a tree by an arrow.  well she ends up setting him free and he mistakes her for the priestess who betrayed him and nailed him to the tree 50 years before.  well she ends up getting attacked by the demon who pulled her in the well and finds that she has some orb of power  (Shikon no Tama) in her body around her hip as the demon rips it out of her.  Through a series of events she ends up shattering the orb into shards that fly all over  Feudal Japan.  The whole story is about her looking for the shards trying to stop the main Evil Guy (Naraku) from getting all of them and making the orb whole.

Its a long series. The problem with the first series was that they made way too much filler because the manga moved slower than they wanted apparently so most people fell out of touch with it and got irritated.  Well the creator of the original manga, Rumiko Takahashi (also did Ranma 1/2) FINALLY finished it in the Summer of 2008. This is where Inuyasha: The Final Act comes in.

Now I am not a person who likes doing the whole SPOILER thing usually but you know what....I am so genuinely IRRITATED by this I am gonna just go ahead and throw this out here.

*****SPOILER ALERT*********

Through the whole series, people keep wanting to know what the perfect wish on the SHIKON NO TAMA was....
everyone was thinking it was something really complicated............YEAH NO.   she just says something like "SHIKON NO TAMA, DISAPPEAR!"    really? you put us all through this LONG angsty drawn out pile of crap for something that my 8 year old could have said? REALLY?  SERIOUSLY?  I honestly didn't know whether to laugh or cry.  The only good thing about the ending was that we got the cheesy happy everyone lives happily ever after ending with Kagome and Inuyasha together in the Feudal Era.

********END SPOILER*************
 I still love my Sesshomaru and Rin. I still love to watch my favorite episodes and laugh how fights will take 5 episodes and that bastard Naraku seems to just LIVE and LIVE.  It does its job and makes the blahs go away.
This series is good for someone just hoppin into the pool of anime its simple enough to follow and got enough starcrossed romance and violence for all.

I feel kind of cheated thought with the whole conclusion and anytime I watch or read the ending I just really wanna donkey punch someone.


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