October 16, 2010

Hide and Seek...

Kakurenbo is the story of Hide and Seek....

"In the ruins of the city there is a game that only the children play....Otokoyo or Hide and Seek. Its rumored that one by one the children disappear until no one is left....because the demons come for them...."

The story of this Anime is pretty straight forward. It follows a group of teens who dare to play Hide and Seek at night, two of them being brothers who are looking for their sister who has disappeared in a previous game.  You follow all of these players to the end of this, and this certainly is not the Hide and Seek you remember playing as a child.

This anime is only 25 minutes long but it is quite possibly one of the BEST 25 mins  I have spent watching anything animated. It's done in complete 3D, and this isn't the crappy stuff either. This film was the first to come out of  Yamatoworks (to be followed by FREEDOM project). It was critically acclaimed and won several film festival awards.

I love how you never see the character's faces, they are always in masks. The violence in this film is bloodless and doesn't leave you feeling sick from gore or angry at cheesy death scenes. It has the perfect blend of sinister darkness with that twisted ending that makes you scream out "WTF?!?!?!" I find it great to watch to get me in the SPOOKY HALLOWEEN mood.

so, if your into the whole sinister/demon thing with a childhood twist, I highly suggest taking a gander at Kakurenbo.


Born2Rune said...

Excellent Anime I loved it. If you want a nice spooky tale then get Requiem of the Darkness and Ayakashi 101 Ghost Tales.

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